What is Kahoot?

Kahoot is a game-based learning platform that allows teachers to create intelligent cross-disciplinary quizzes, tests, and digital simulations for students. It can be used by anyone from teachers to students, parents, or anyone who wants to use digital interactive games for effective learning. Kahoot is a game that you play with others. There are questions shared among the group and everyone gets to answer these questions simultaneously. The game plays like a trivia show where the host gives out a question or topic and everyone in the group has to give their own response on the same topic in an entertaining way while making it as educational as they can. The best part? No complicated technology to muddle through before you can start creating engaging quizzes for your learners! Not surprisingly that it is considered one of the most popular gamification technology in K-12 Education today. This article will help you understand the advantages of using Kahoot in your classroom, how it works and everything you need to know about this valuable educational tool.